You know that you have great potential and would be perfect match for desired role but something is not working...

I see you...

<i class="fa-solid fa-face-sad-cry"></i> After sending resumes you are always hearing "You are very nice person, but we have chosen candidate with bigger experience"

<i class="fa-solid fa-face-sad-cry"></i> You heard that networking is a key for landing amazing jobs, but you are not getting answers for your messages

<i class="fa-solid fa-face-sad-cry"></i> You are all the time tailoring your CV and LinkedIn profile, but recruiters are still treating you like a ghost

<i class="fa-solid fa-face-sad-cry"></i> You know that have big potential to learn very fast, but have no idea how to show your unique traits and edge to employers

<i class="fa-solid fa-face-sad-cry"></i> You heard that people landed amazing jobs using LinkedIn, but you have never got any opportunities on your message box or they were entirely not matched with your expectations.

Supercharge your career pivot process with a magnetic and consistent communication that works for you

Section courses what is included

Our proven formula:

We, Klaudia & Luke, got the dream jobs on LinkedIn. Now we have flexibility, we can work from any place in the world, and we are doing what we love. Now we are sharing our proven strategies with you because we want YOU to be happy in your job place (see OUR mission here)


  • Stand out among 1000 another candidates who are applying only online
  • Get invitations for interviews as by-product of long term relationships
  • Attract recruiter's eyes on your LinkedIn profile and get messages from your target industry people
  • Leverage AI, email trackers, graphical tools and more in modern career pivot process
  • Find out what companies are the best fit for you and how to be recommended by decision markers to work for them
  • Create amazing CV with your story about career pivot - to show you as a conscious and goal-oriented person which made recruiters delighted and sending job interview invitation to you

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Land job offers without sending hundreds of CVs.... a crash course dedicated for career shifters who want to supercharge their career transition process and get job interviews even before experienced candidates.

You can two ways to switch your careers without hearing that "you do not have enough experience"

  1. You can get required experience as freelancer/through additional projects
  2. You can prove to the employer that hiring you would be the best choice and investing in you will give back very quickly return.
    In this course we will show you how by being proactive you can stand out before other, even more experienced candidates.

Building trustiness is the key factor why you will be recommended for specific role in new industry.

In course we will go through:

  • passive LinkedIn actions (Mastering LinkedIn profile)
  • active LinkedIn actions (valuable commenting, posting, networking strategies and formulas for reaching out to recruiters/managers and decision makers)
  • mastering your CV/Resume - it will be your last step as networking by-product - you will be asked about sending CV - by formality when you will get job interview invitation.

And watch out --> you can parallelly apply online using your created badass resume and make long-term relationships which will work for you not only during your career pivot, but in your future career.

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Annete Johnson

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Annete Johnson

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Annete Johnson

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Annete Johnson

Get our 3 steps Bundle to make a smooth career pivot

Storytelling & brand

Clear strategy for your next steps, self-awareness of your transferable skills and strengths - you can tell an amazing story of you.

Employers love goal-oriented and conscious employees who are bringing value to the table

LinkedIn Profile

Every detail matters. Your headline, photo, first sentence in your summary and a bunch of hidden functions and tips which you can use to boost your visibility for recruiters and hiring managers.

We will teach you how to brainstorm your current sections and higher up your profile to master level.

Hidden job market

Bringing value to the employer and building trust are the key factors during your career pivot. This is the back-door entry before another candidates who are only applying using theirs CVs.

Use proven formulas, messages and templates to get your dream job via effective networking.


Stop sending hundreds of CVs without any respond or feedback.
CV should tell your transferrable skills, additional projects within target branch and not relevant experience should be put afterwards.
We will teach you how to make an outstanding functional CV.

About us

Hi! That's us - Klaudia & Luke - your partners in career shift. We are here to boost your confidence and show your talents in very attractive ways for employers.
Treat us as your personal career trainers.

We started Polish version of CareerChange2It in 2016. We helped hundreds of professionals find their places on Earth.
In 2022 we found our niche which are career transition. It entirely resonates with us - we made our career shifts into IT field after social sciences university (Klaudia) and environmental sciences (Luke).
Since 2023 - it is a new challenge for us because we feel that we want to help people globally.

From candidate perspective, we know exactly how HR works and what employers what to get from you to be hired.
We know how to tell your unique story, find your talents and values and build your personal brand to make your career pivot a smooth journey into dream industry.

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Bonuses included

Checked templates for writing to recruiters and hiring managers

The list of proven email templates and messages for reaching out entirely foreign people on web.
You do not have to worry again how to make real connections with people in your target companies
and land the job interviews as a result.

Checklist for your strategy

After course you will get hundred of tools, templates and apps to use during your career transition process.
You will get a set of actions to fulfill, including your linkedin profile fullment, networking strategy steps, cv preparation.
Take your time and enjoy every step using prepared checkList for you.

Networking tracker

Writing all your actions and connections is very important during any career change.
If something is not working - you can easily go back, review your approach and try another one!